NU Admission Result 2022 | Honours 1st Merit List Result

National University Admission Result 2022 Honours 1st Merit List Result PDF Download. National University Admission Results 2022 Session 2022-21 has been published today. The admission process ended on 16 August 2022. A total more than 5 lacks students have applied for National University Honours first year admissions. Don’t worry, let’s get the results of the National University Admission Test 1st merit list. The results of the National University Honors Admission 2022 First Merit List can be published on Honors 1st year admission results available Today 1st September.
Are you looking for NU Honors Admission Results 2022? So don’t worry! You are coming to the right place. Because today I am going to share the date of publication of NU admission results 2022, the process of checking the results and much more. So you have to follow me to collect your NU admission results 1st merit list.
NU Honours 1st Merit List Admission Result Date
The National University publishes the results of their admission test within 15 days. Although the admission process ended on August 1, it is possible to publish the results of the admission on September 1, 2022. This is not the official date but we have predicted it from the previous year’s admission results. NU Honors 1st year classes will start online from 15 September 2022. Here we will also publish NU Admission Results, 1st, 2nd Waiting Merit List, National University Honors Admission Results 2022-22 Release Slip Result.
National University Admission Result 2022
You can collect the results from the online website of the National University. We hope to launch the results of the National University’s Honors Graduate Honors Admission Action later this month. You can see the results in two strategies, one is through online method and the other is through SMS facility via mobile phone. Don’t worry, I’ll work with you on a fun strategy with two methods of access so you can see the results very simply.
In 2022, the results of the Honors Admission for the first merit will be published on September 1, 2022 for the 2022-21 session. According to the notification, the admission process started on 28 July 2022 and ended on 18 August 2022. Last year’s admission results date was September. We are always ready here to give you results much faster than others. You can bookmark our website in your favorite browser to quickly check your honours admission results 1st merit list.
How To Check Honours Admission Result 2022?
NU Honors Admission 1st Merit List will be published. The merit list will be published randomly after NU completes one step. NU will similarly be the second merit list rather than the third merit list after completing the first merit list admission process. Most students apply for it every year. You must have met their requirements. Otherwise you cannot apply for NU admission. Many students do not know how to apply, here, we will discuss in detail about filling up the National University Honors 1st Year Form 2022. Honours Admission Results 1st Merit List has been published on 1st September 2022 so that students can check the admission results online and via SMS method.
Check Honours Admission 1st Merit List Result Through Online
Honours Admission Results (Session 2022-2022) are now available on the Internet. Each student can collect their NU Honors Admission Results 2022 online. Because most students use the Internet from their smartphones, tablets and computers. They use the internet for anything.The 1st merit list of Honours 1st Year Admission (2020-21) will be published today September 1 at 4 PM. Results can be viewed via Online. So, the process is given below:
- At first Visit NU official Website
- Then, Click Honours Menu Bar & Tab Applicant Login.
- Now input the application roll number in the first box.
- Input the PIN in the second box.
- Finally, click on the “Login” option. Then you will get the result.
Check Honours Admission 1st Merit List Result Through SMS
A large number of Students do not have smart Android phone with Inter Connection. They can’t Watch their Admission Result Through Online. But don’t worry about that. NU Authority arranged solution for them. They watch their 1st Merit Admission Result By using Mobile MS. So, the procedure Is given below:
- Firstly, go to your mobile message option & Open New SMS bar.
- Type there an SMS format like NU<space>ATHN<space>Your Roll.
- Finally, send this SMS to 16222 number.
Example: NU ATHN 108565 & Send 16222
Last Word
Thanks for Staying with us. Here we Give National University Admission Result 2022 Honours 1st Merit List Result PDF Download. To get more Information Please Visit TSportsBD.Com .