World Humanitarian Day 2022 Best Wishes Messages, Quotes, Greetings And Images
World Humanitarian Day 2022 Best Wishes Messages, Quotes, Greetings And Images. World Humanitarian Day August 19 honors humanitarian aid workers worldwide. Established by the United Nations in 2009. The day commemorates the anniversary of the bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Iraq. Twenty-two people, including the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, have been killed. Humanitarian workers provide life-saving assistance to suffering people around the world. Workers who live in conflict zones or areas affected by natural disasters are particularly at risk. Anyone and everyone can be a humanitarian. So read on to learn more about the day and how you can help.
When is World Humanitarian Day 2022?
The dedication of the relief workers and their commitment to the service of humanity is observed on 19 August on World Humanitarian Day. World Humanitarian Day is celebrated on 19 August to pay tribute and love to all humanitarian workers working for humanitarian causes worldwide.
History of World Humanitarian Day
The UN General Assembly established the holiday to commemorate the deaths of 22 UN aid workers. Including Sergio Vieira de Mello, in a bomb attack on the UN headquarters in Baghdad in 200. Overnight to ensure that the relief of victims of armed conflict for three decades has been heard worldwide. He worked tirelessly to draft for World Humanitarian Day. Creating awareness was an essential aspect of Sergio’s campaign. With First World countries and those living in conflict-free areas trying their best to ensure. That they would gain a different perspective in war-torn areas. To show that there is more to political conflict and death of fighters. Similarly, Sergio tried to bring a more humane approach to watching the war. Focusing on innocent human life with no desire to be a part of those. Who struggled to survive and fell into conflict.
How to Observe World Humanitarian Day
There are humanitarian organizations around the world who need resources. If you are able to donate your time to one of these organizations, this is great. If you can’t do that, the financial aid will go a long way in supplementing workers’ resources to help the affected community. Search online for organizations that do humanitarian work, or go directly to the United Nations World Humanitarian Day website for organizations to get you started. Call, email, or send a tweet to let your elected leaders know how important the humanitarian crisis is to you. Ask them to promise any action to help strengthen humanitarian causes near your heart and in your favorite areas.
World Humanitarian Day dates In Next Years
Year | Date | Day |
2021 | August 19 | Thursday |
2022 | August 19 | Friday |
2024 | August 19 | Saturday |
2024 | August 19 | Monday |
2025 | August 19 | Tuesday |
World Humanitarian Day Wishes & Messages
On this occasion of World Humanitarian Day we must remember that the only thing that will save us all is love, love even for our enemies. Happy World Humanitarian Day.
“Services to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth” So, pledge to help others on this day. Wish you a very happy World Humanitarian Day.
Between the wars it is important to still remember the humanity in our hearts and help those in need. Wish you a very happy World Humanitarian Day.
It is important to do good at every opportunity that you get. It is the acts of good that can help the world survive. Best wishes on this World Humanitarian Day.
It is important to take action as nothing is insignificant. Every action leads to a change. Keep changing lives and helping people on this day. Wish you a very happy world Humanitarian Day.
Our mother earth provides us with life pay her back by respecting and loving all her children, all humans. Best wishes on this World Humanitarian Day.
The real joy of life is in helping and caring for someone else above your own personal gains. Be kind and help humanity on this day. Wish you a very happy World Humanitarian Day.
It is important to speak up and change the things that need changing. Do not stay silent, speak up and save humanity on this day. Best wishes on this World Humanitarian Day.
World Humanitarian Day 2022 Greetings And Quotes
There is one thing that is going to save this world and that is love….. On World Humanitarian Day, let us save this world by spreading love.
Let us thank all those who work for humanitarian causes…. Let us thank them for their services and concern… Wishing a very Happy World Humanitarian Day.
No matter how bad things in this world get but with our good deeds, we can always bring this war to an end…. Warm wishes on World Humanitarian Day to you.
World Humanitarian Day is a reminder to all of us that the onus of saving the goodness of this world lies on all of our shoulders…. Warm wishes on this special day.
Never miss a chance to do good…. Because it is the act of goodness which is needed to save this world… Happy World Humanitarian Day to you my dear.
We live in this world and therefore, we must work to make this a beautiful place and therefore, we must do good deeds… Wishing a very Happy World Humanitarian Day.
World Humanitarian Day is not about feeding hundreds of people but it is about each one of us feeding just one person to make this life worthy and to make this world more beautiful.
If each one of us will do our little bit to spread love and happiness in this world then it will not take very long to make this world a happier place… Happy World Humanitarian Day.
World Humanitarian Day 2022 Quotes
Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” – Martin Luther King Jr.
“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” – Mahatma Gandhi
“Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is human-made and can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.” – Nelson Mandela
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, feed just one.” – Mother Teresa
“To say that on a daily basis you can make a difference, well, you can. One act of kindness a day can do it.” – Betty Williams
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