White444 Free Fire ID Code, Stats, Country, Real Name, Income

You already know what we’re going to post today. Yes, today we will talk about the biography of WHITE444. There are many people who search the internet to know White444 Free Fire ID Code, so today we are informing you through our post for his convenience, all his things including his game ID, you can find out everything, including his YouTube channel, we will mention here. You know how popular the free fire game has become at the present time.
So WHITE444 is one of the most skilled professionals in this free fire world so hope those who want to know will definitely see it in the end in our post. He plays other online games besides free fire games and he uploads these videos where he has his personal youtube channel. The Free Fire game has already received 1 billion downloads. Basically, he is more known from this game, he is very famous in the world of free fire. I will talk again below about his YouTube challenge. And all the details, including the star MIT. So those who basically want to know all about him must see our post till the end.
Check also: Mr triple r free fire ID code
White444 Free Fire ID Code
You all know that this game has become very popular with people over the last few years. This game has a lot of players who are a lot of legends. One of them whose name is going to be known and all their detailed bio data is going to be mentioned through this post today. You all know that the free fire game was before the PC version but now it has a mobile version. So it has gradually become very popular with people. We have already given other posts related to this game. If you want to see, we will give you the link below. You can watch it from there.
You know that in this game Diamond I can buy clothes and all other things in the game in a special way. This company occasionally gives some interesting rewards to their players through reports and these codes you can easily see in our post, if you want to see the redeem code then click here.
I have talked a lot about free-fire games. You can see the details by clicking on the link provided by me.
White 444
Over the past few years he has won battles on mobile platforms and currently holds the top spot on freefire platforms. He is a skilled gamer who is very popular at present. He is number one in the world today. He has a YouTube channel that occasionally streams the gta5 and free-fire online game live. At present he has many gamers who want to learn the game by watching him. You can find out all the bio-data of WHITE444 YT from here so keep watching this post till the end.
Ranked stats
White444 has been featured in 84 squad matches in the ongoing ranked season and has triumphed in eight games for a win rate of 9.52%. He has notched 126 kills and has maintained a K/D ratio of 1.66.
The player also has five solo and five duo games against his name, but is yet to secure a victory. Also, he has amassed one and four frags, respectively.
Note: The stats in this article were recorded at the time of writing. They are subject to change as the YouTuber continues to play more games in Free Fire.
White 444 biography
There are many gamers who are searching on different websites. I would like to know about WHITE444. Today I will share all your information through this post for your convenience. WHITE444 is an online gamer and everyone knows him as WHITE444. There are many who have called him a hacker after watching his game. Anik is so skilled and plays so well. This game seems very simple to him. You can watch her video if you want. We will share the WHITE444 YouTube channel through this post, so be sure to watch the end of the post.
White 444 Free Fire ID Code
There are many gamers among you who are looking for the ID code of WHITE444. But you can’t find the correct ID code. So today, for your convenience, I will let you know the ID code of his game through this post. So watch the whole post. The ID code of White 444 is given below:
WHITE 444 UID 1848664269
WHITE444 Official YouTube Channel
We will talk here about how many YouTube channels WHITE444 currently has subscribed to. I will talk in detail about his official YouTube channel. So keep watching below. Many are looking for links to the White 444 official YouTube channel. So for your convenience I will share this link with you through this post today. Click here to go to your YouTube channel. We have received information in various ways that he was the oldest video posted on his YouTube channel in June 2012. Since then, he has uploaded more than 4,513 videos and turned off more than 1.53 million subscribers.
WHITE444 currently has 3.38 million subscribers to its official channel.
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WHITE 444 income
According to Social Blade, he got atotal of 30 million views over the last 30 days. With the rate of Rs 24 per 1000 views, WHITE 444 made approximately 7 Lakh from his YouTube channel over the last 30 days.