Mr Triple r Free Fire ID Code, Real name, Stats, Income
Are you searching Mr Triple r Free Fire ID code, Real name, Stats, Income? Then you have come to the right place because we will give you all the information about Mr Triple r Free Fire ID here today. Here you can easily get all the information details of People Array including Triple IT Code. So you can see this whole post of ours without looking anywhere else, of course you can save all the information from here.
You all know that free fire is a battle royal game. This game has become popular with people in a very short time. This is a popular game of the present time. This game is a mobile game. It starts playing by downloading it to everyone’s phone in a short time due to playing with less RAM. Most games like to play free fire games. It currently has over five thousand million downloads.
Mr triple r free fire ID Code
Are you coding Mr. Triple R’s Free Fire ID? Then you will get the ID code from here. So keep watching until the end.
We searched various ways and saved his ID code. His ID card is 728027523. You can easily access his ID through this court.
Mr. Triple is one of the most popular in the world of free fire. His name has become very famous in the world of free fire. There are many players following him. Today you will know all the information of the game. So you will patiently watch our whole post. Triple R has so far received a total of 4488 participants. And has done better to his 2845 Tita enemies which has been estimated at 116.37 percent. Translation 3. contains 27.
How his first journey
YouTube started its journey from the YouTube channel two years ago and its introduction from there. Today he has thousands of friends. Since 2018 he has been a regular video goer on his YouTube channel and from there more than 2271 million are on his video.
Mr. Triple R has competed in a total of 4184 squad matches to date and has bettered his foes in 685 of them, which translates to a win percentage of 16.37%. With 11456 kills, he has a K/D ratio of 3.27.
Mr triple R YouTube Channels
Click here to watch the YouTube channel and from here you can easily go to his YouTube channel. There are many who do not find his YouTube channel but many others get into the wrong channel. But you can go to its official channel directly from the link provided by us. Rejaur Rahman Resvy has 2 YouTube channels, Mr. Triple R and Mr. No Face.
The Mr. Triple R channel currently has 3.66 million subscribers. The channel was created in December 2018 and has generated more than 548 million views. Most of his videos are gameplay and challenge videos about Free Fire. The most-watched video on his channel is currently having 4 million views.
Mr. Triple R’s Battle Royale lifetime stats
In Squad mode, the Bangladesh streamer has played a total of 4184 games and accumulated 685 victories. His win rate is 16.37%. With a total of 11456 kills, his K/D ratio is 3.27.
In Duo mode, Mr. Triple R plays a total of 1776 games and won 333 of them. That means his win rate in Duo mode is 8.81%. He got a total of 13411 kills, which translates to a K/D ratio of 3.9.
In Solo mode, he played a total of 4445 games and got 577 victories to his name, which is a win rate of 12.98%. He eliminated 14356 enemies and earned a K/D ratio of 3.71.
Mr Triple R Free Fire
The lifetime stats of Mr. Triple R in Battle Royale mode in Free Fire
Mr. Triple R is among one of the few players who play all modes in the Battle Royale mode evenly. Many famous Free Fire YouTubers play mostly in Duo and Squad mode. As for Mr. Triple R, the number of games he has across 3 modes is about the same. Actually, Solo is the mode that he played the most.
Mr. Triple R’s Clash Squad lifetime stats
The streamers have played a total of 620 Clash Squad and won 376 of them. His win rate is quite high at 60.65%. He accumulated a total of 3900 kills and a K/D/A ratio of 2.33. What’s impressive is that the number of times he became the MVP of the match is even more than the number of his victories.
The Clash Squad mode seems to be not the favorite mode of Mr. Triple R as we can see that he doesn’t play it a lot. Yet, his skill still shines with a great win rate and K/D/A ratio.
Note that these stats are recorded at the moment of writing this article and they are subjected to changes in the future.
Mr triple r Facebook ID
If you are looking for a holiday triple hey facebook id then be sure to watch our post carefully. Because we will give Triple’s Facebook ID here. From here you can easily get his Facebook ID.
Mr Triple r Instagram ID
If you are opening Triple Hey Instagram ID, then you must know his Instagram ID through this post. From here you can easily see the ID by clicking. Stay tuned below to learn more.
If you are doing free fire ready code then be sure to click here and see the codes. Click here.
Mr. Triple R’s income
According to Social Blade, he got atotal of 33 million views over the last 30 days. With the rate of Rs 24 per 1000 views, Mr. Triple R made approximately 8 Lakh from his YouTube channel over the last 30 days.