Who Determines The Presidents Salary | Presidential Pay and Compensation

Who Determines The Presidents Salary | Presidential Pay and Compensation. Effective January 1, 2001, the annual salary of the President of the United States was increased to $400,000 per year, which includes a $50,000 expense allowance, a $100,000 tax-free travel account, and a $19,000 entertainment account. The president’s salary is set by Congress, and cannot be increased or decreased during his current term of office. According to Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution.
The duties and responsibilities of being President of the United States do not come without pressure, stress, and heartache. But it also has many benefits while in office and after leaving office. As an employee of the people and the federal government, the president receives a salary. But also has an annual expense account, travel account, and an entertainment account.
However, these are not the only facilities, and while in office, the President always has a medical staff on hand or nearby. The use of the White House (as home and office), along with several vacation homes, a personal staff. A private jumbo jet (Air Force One), a private helicopter (Marine One), a private limousine and car/SUV. And a private security detail (to name a few). When a president leaves office, he still receives several benefits, such as a personal pension for the rest of his life. Secret Service protection, transitional income, and excellent medical insurance with the right to receive treatment in military hospitals.
Who Determines The Presidents Salary
As a wealthy landowner and Revolutionary War commander, George Washington had no desire to be paid to serve as president. Although he received no pay for his military service, Congress eventually forced him to accept $25,000 for his presidential duties. Washington had no choice but to do so because the Constitution mandated that presidents be paid. In drafting the Constitution, the framers considered but rejected a proposal that presidents serve without pay.
Alexander Hamilton explained the argument in Federalist No. 73, writing “Power over a man’s support is power over his will.” A president however wealthy who does not receive a regular salary may be tempted to accept bribes from special interests. Or be coerced by individual members of Congress. For the same reason. The framers felt that it was essential that the president’s salary be kept out of day-to-day politics.
As a result, the Constitution requires that the president’s salary be a fixed amount for the entire term of his office. So that Congress “may not weaken his firmness by administering to his necessities, or corrupt his integrity by appealing to his avarice.”