
How To Get V badge In Free Fire ID

V badge In Free Fire ID

How To Get V badge In Free Fire ID. The Free Fire V badge is awarded only to players who participate in major tournaments and join the Garena Partner Program. This verified (V) badge proves that you are either a professional player or a well known FF content maker. These are the two main reasons why most free fire players do not have a V badge in their profile. Since it’s not possible for all players to be part of Garena’s partner program or to be a professional player, we’ve found a secret code that allows you to get a free Fire V badge.

Garena Freefire has many in-game elements that players can grab. In addition to the guns and skins found through the event, Free Fire has badges that can be awarded based on the player’s performance. In this article, we will discuss a badge called V Badge in Free Fire. Freefire has lots of skins, weapons, cosmetics and many other items that players can get their hands on. All of these items can be obtained through in-game currency diamonds. However, there are some things in the game that cannot be bought with diamonds. One such thing is the V Badge in Free Fire. It cannot be obtained at the expense of diamonds and can only be acquired by fulfilling a few requirements.

Free Fire V Badge Code

The reason many FF players often look for ways to add V badges to their profiles. Or custom room names is to join Garena’s partner program and have millions of subscribers to the YouTube channel. Instead of scratching your head to join Garena’s partner program. We have a V badge symbol code that you need to add to your profile. Don’t know how to add this verified symbol to your FF profile? Okay, we have a step-by-step guide that covers this most easily.

 V badge in Freefire means a verified badge that specifies that the owner is a professional verified player from Guerrero. It is owned by mostly professional players and YouTubers who participate in Garena LAN events and other big tournaments. Let us know more about our special badges.

What Is V Badge In Free Fire?

As we have already mentioned above, the Free Fireworks V badge is like the blue tick symbol on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. If you have a V badge on your Freefire profile, people will consider you a professional player. According to Garena’s statement, Garena only gives this badge to players who have joined the partner program or content creators who participate in Garena LAN events and other major tournaments.

How to add V Badge in Free Fire ID?

  • Open the Garena free fire game on your mobile
  • On the lobby page, you will see a profile icon; click on that icon.
  • After clicking on the profile icon, you will see a small pencil icon; click on that.
  • Then you will be redirected to a new page, and there you will find a signature box, and beside the signature box, you will find a pencil icon; click on that icon.
  • Then in the signature box, you have to paste the V badge code that I had provided you.
  • After copying the code from the above and then pasting the code, you have to click on the ok button.
  • Then you have to come back to your profile page, and there you will see that the free fire v badge is successfully added to your profile.
  • You can easily add the free fire v badge to your profile through these simple steps.

V Badg Free Fire Code

V Badge Code For Gold Tier [b][c][ffd319]Ⓥ[i][FF0000]
V Badge Code For Diamond Tier [G][T][ffd319]Ⓥ[i][FF0034]
V Badge Code For Platinum Tier [H][T][ffd319]Ⓥ[i][FF0043]
V Badge Code For Heroic Tier [H][A][ffd319]Ⓥ[i][FF0042]
V Badge Code For Grandmaster Tier [S][D][ffd319]Ⓥ[i][FF00045]

Eligibility For V Bagde Code

  • You must have a YouTube channel with 1,00,000 (100k) or more Subscribers.
  • 80% of the videos in that YouTube channel should be from Free Fire.
  • Monthly there should be at least 3,00,000 (300k) views on the videos of that YouTube channel.
  • You are interested in creating Engaging Content for your Subscribers and do hard work for that.
  • You must have a passion for gaming.

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